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Filtering units

Filtering unit UFO-1-H-V


The UFO-1-H-V is designed for cleaning the air from dust impurities emitted at production processes. It is irreplaceable in capturing the dry dust (without caustic pollutants or substances creating explosive conditions) arising during welding, gas metal cutting and other processes in chemical, pharmaceutical, plastic industry, food production etc. The maximum temperature of the conveyed air is 140 F.


The device consists of:

  • radial fan
  • cartridge filter (pleated polyester paper)
  • pneumatic filter regeneration system
  • housing adapted for wall mounting
  • waste-container
  • control unit (separate assembly)

The polluted air is sucked in through a ferrule into the filtering chamber with a cartridge. The impurities are depositing on the outer surface of the cartridge filter. After cleaning the air is recirculated to the room. The repeating pulses from the regeneration system are striking the dusts down to the waste-container (systematic emptying is needed). The filter regeneration system consists of a compression air tank and electromagnetic valve. The device has to be connected to the external compression air installation.

The appliance is a wall mounting set and is adapted for:

  • connection to the extraction installation
  • installing the extraction arm: ERGO-L or ERGO-D
  • cooperation with an extraction system, consisting of the extension

Depending on the fan start mode, there are two versions of the device:

  • UFO-1-H-V – manual fan start. Apply the ERGO-L or ERGO-D extraction arm.
  • UFO-1-H-V-A – automatic fan start. The fan is operated at the moment of welding arc flash. In this version the hood is additional equipped with a halogen spotlight. Apply the ERGO-LH or ERGO-DH arm.
Filtering unit UFO-1-H-V air cleaner Filtering unit UFO-1-H-V controller Filtering unit UFO-1-H-V structure
Extraction arm, filtering unit
& control panel
extraction arm - UFO-1-H-V

Technical data

Type Part # Vol.
[in. w.g]
Applied fan Supply
Required pressure
of com-
air [bar]
Noise level
UFO-1-H-V 704U10 700 2 WP-08-E-3 3 × 230/ 460 3.0 6 68 300
UFO-1-H-V-A 704U07

Cartridge filter

Filtering unit UFO-1-H-V cartridge filter Type Part # Filtering
[sq. ft]
Filter material Filtering efficiency Application
PT-20-U 838F27 215 teflon-coated
99.5 %
  • welding dusts, dry fine
    dusts, for example: bismute,
    detergents, cement, dust in food
    production, pharmaceutica
    l industry, chemical industry
  • water and oil resistant

*NOTE: Placing the order specify the part № and type designation of the given device.