Welcome to KLIMAWENT USA, LLC - the worlds leading supplier of dust collectors, fume arms, fume extractors and other environmental controls and air filtration equipment.
Extraction arms ERGO are designed to remove smoke, dust and gases directly at emission source before the contamination has spread into the workshop area and could be inhaled. Properly adjusted frictional articulations of ERGO arm with the cooperation of gas springs make maneuvering very easy.
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Filtering units are designed to remove and filter air with fumes and airborne particles during welding, grinding, polishing or any other technological operations which create pollution. Units are equipped with filter regeneration system.
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Industrial fans are designed for ventilation of working space by supply of fresh air and/or removal of used air. They can be used for general and local ventilation under industrial conditions.
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Exhaust extractors are designed to remove exhaust gas emitted by exhaust pipes of vehicles like cars, trucks, tractors etc. Extractors are used in car repair shops, car garages etc.
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Company #1 best sellings products
our company
KLIMAWENT USA, LLC offers extraction arms, hose reels, filtering units, industrial fans and other ventilation units designated to harmful technological processes.
Heavy duty is the crucial advantage
of our appliances as a result of
precise manufacturing process and supervision of the quality on each
stage of manufacturing process,
even in the smallest details and of course on the final product.
KLIMAWENT develops the traditions,
the field of ventilation connected with supplying people with the clean air on their work places, become a passion that dominated our live. We further and further develop it and experience it, sharing it among our cZontributors and customers. We are proud that we know about ventilation almost everything.